Illustration Exhibition in MOUNT gallery.
2019 10/2 - 10/6

When I come to the Airport, for some reason I feel a little cheeky.
I mean, I feel like I'm an experienced Traveler, so the Airport is nothing special.
But that feeling doesn't last very long.
Like when I get off the train, go up the escalator, And look up at the high ceilings.
Like when I gaze at the signs with big letters all lined up.
And pass people from different countries with the big suitcases.
Honestly, I feel a bit nervous and excited like a small child,
And make sure my plane ticket is still in my pocket, again and again.
For someone like me, who has not traveled abroad since childhood,
The Airport is a very special place that connects me to the outside world.
At the end of my Trip, I come back to the Airport.
And I think to myself how much I want to come back here again.

Thank you.