香りの総合プラットフォーム「カラリア」の公式イラストレーションです。 サービスのブランドリニューアルと同時に、カラリアらしいイラスト表現について、話し合いながら言語化し、検証を重ねて制作を行いました。
This is the official illustration of the perfume service "coloria". Along with the service's brand renewal, we built a language along the way for coloria's unique illustration expression, repeated verifications, and produced it.
This is the official illustration of the perfume service "coloria". Along with the service's brand renewal, we built a language along the way for coloria's unique illustration expression, repeated verifications, and produced it.

The brand has been renewed, and illustrations will further expand the worldview of the service.
The brand has been renewed, and illustrations will further expand the worldview of the service.

User A

User B

User C

User D
